Mommy Sara
My Tweets
My Bio:
Hello, I’m Sara’s mother. I am a mother in training. For the past few months, I have worked with my mother for a long time every day to learn all about ab/dl care. I like to watch my babies change diapers. I am very happy to see the expressions on their little faces when they squat in the corner and shit on the diapers. I was still wearing gloves during training, but I was very close to taking off and handing everything to my little darlings, bid farewell to the gloves, and then began to reach in and get my hands dirty.
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Diaper Changes
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Diaper Emergency call
1 (888) 430-2010
February 3, 2019
I can make you incontinent. With time, patience, and proper instruction you will be dependent on your thick abdl diapers. You will not be able to go without your diapers a full day without having an accident. There will be several times that you decided that you don’t want to wear your diapers anymore, and you may whip them off to wear underwear like you’re a big boy again. You may be a stubborn baby, but it won’t take too many wet accidents in public, with a large wet stain spreading down your pants legs before you learn that particular lesson. You are going to be like a dripping faucet, dear, and there won’t be any changing that. You will be unable to go without your diapers, and that is exactly the way things need to be. Are you ready for what needs to be done? Call me for your incontinent training phonesex. Brenda 1-888-430-2010 Click Here to chat with a phone sex Mommy! #incontinencetraining #peeinginpublic #abdldiapers
January 25, 2019
Did you actually think that coming to me to try to explain why I should agree that you are a big boy again? Did you have a sudden growth spurt between the diaper change I gave you a few hours ago and now? No, I’m talking about your height, silly. I’m talking about the little baby peepee that you have hiding inside your abdl diaper! Truth be told, it’s barely even that. It’s so small that it would almost be better if you had nothing at all. It’s a tease, sweetie, it really is. It’s shaped just like a cock, but without the eight inches you need to have at least a fairly decent one. Even with as much as you like to tug on that little thing, it won’t stretch it out any longer! So stop and whining and accept the fact that you are now my very own sweet diaper baby boy. Call for some abdl phonesex so I can tell you just how much of a baby you are! Liz 1-888-430-2010 Click Here to talk with a phone sex Mommy! #diaperbabyboy #tinypeepee #abdldiaper